Cavities (Dental Caries): Chronic Teeth infection caused by bacteria that adhere to your teeth. This is tooth decay. If not filled, this can damage your tooth structure, causing cosmetic issues, pain, infection, swelling or even loss of tooth.

There are various modalities to treat cavities, all depending on severity of infection- from simple fillings, partial crowns called inlays or inlays, and crowns. For advance decay involving your nerve, we do a procedure called Root Canal treatment to help relive the infection.

We will do complete examination of your mouth, and use state of the art x-rays and scans to help with the diagnosis. We will recommend treatment based on what we diagnose.

Fillings, crowns and Cosmetic Dentistry

Tooth Colored Fillings FOR CAVITIES

When you get cavities (tooth Decay), you need fillings to bring the tooth back to health. At Radiance, we use Composite or Tooth colored materials to fill your tooth. Tooth-colored fillings, also known as composite fillings or white fillings, are dental restorations used to repair teeth affected by decay or minor damage. Unlike traditional silver amalgam fillings, tooth-colored fillings are made from a composite resin material that closely matches the natural color of the tooth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result.

Crowns/ Veneers and Cosmetic Dentistry

Veneers for beautiful smiles
  • Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made restorations that encase a damaged or weakened tooth to restore its shape, strength, and functionality.

    We do Single day Crowns in our office. You get permanent Porcelain crowns on the same day, with no need for secondary appointment. It reduces sensitivity and discomfort, and you do NOT need a second appointment, time off work or school.

  • Dental Veneers are popular cosmetic dental solution for enhancing the appearance of teeth that are discolored, chipped, misaligned, or have gaps between them. Veneers are bonded to the teeth, providing a natural-looking and durable result. They can improve the color, shape, size, and overall aesthetics of teeth, creating a beautiful and confident smile. Veneers are custom-crafted to match the patient's natural teeth, and with proper care, they can offer long-lasting, transformative results.

High quality materials

  • Porcelain crowns are crafted from a strong and durable ceramic material that is carefully selected to match the shade of the patient's surrounding teeth. This ensures a seamless and natural blend with the rest of the smile. The material is also resistant to stains, allowing the crown to maintain its color and brightness over time.

Enhancing smiles with crowns

Dental treatments based on your personal needs & desires